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Entrepreneurs and Economic Development Leaders Adding Amenities & Jobs in Local Area


Relaxation rules at Lake Oconee, but below the calm waters, companies, entrepreneurs and economic development leaders are bustling to add amenities and jobs.

From new venues, such as the sporting grounds at Reynolds Lake Oconee and Greensboro’s first brewery, to expansions by school districts, downtowns and employers, the nearly 57,500-resident area that encompasses Greene, Morgan and Putnam counties is embracing growth...

Growing Popularity

When Farmview Market, which sells local, organic and natural foods and products, opened in Madison in 2016, its research showed that about 10,000 cars pass by U.S. 441 daily and about 90,000 cars a day go by I-20’s Exit 114, where the market is located, says Keith Kelly, president and CEO of Kelly Products, the market’s owner.
“If you go through our parking lot on Saturday, you will see lots and lots of tags from out of Morgan County and out of the state.”


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