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Sweet Creams Are Made of These: Rock House Creamery's Local Dairy


Sweet creams are made of these, who are we to disagree?

local dairy

Joking aside, we really can’t disagree that the sweet, creamy concoctions from Rock House Creamery (RHC) really are what dreams are made of. From the early imaginings of Keith Kelly (founder and owner of Farmview Market and RHC), to the developments that make this dream a reality, we are very excited to be working with this local dairy farm and market supplier from Newborn, Georgia.

Continuing the Local Dairy Tradition

This family-owned creamery is located on the 100-acre local dairy farm that had been operated by the Johnston family from 1940 to 2016. Rock House Creamery continues the tradition that Johnston Family Farm started more than 75 years ago by providing the healthiest, tastiest dairy products in our local community. So tasty, in fact, that our customers frequently share with us how much they dream about the fresh flavor of Rock House Creamery dairy products.

local dairy

Rock House Creamery offers a delicious local creamline whole milk that has a flavor like no other. What exactly does creamline mean, you ask? This method ensures that the milk arrives at your home in its most natural form. Creamline milk undergoes the process of pasteurization, but is not homogenized like most commercial brands. Many believe that homogenization strips milk of its health benefits and its true flavor. By skipping this process, RHC milk can be digested more easily and the proteins can be properly utilized.

“We feel this leads to the best flavor profile and offers the most nutritional value. But you’ll need to give it a shake before drinking,” says Kelly.

You can rest assured that your milk from Rock House Creamery is indeed the freshest, because their milk always goes from the cow to the store in less than 48 hours.

local dairy

Social media fan Zach Hughes shared his love for the Rock House Creamery Creamline Whole Milk with a photo captioned, “I’ve found a better way than ice cream to satisfy my nightly sweet tooth— some super local, non-homogenized, creamline whole milk. I imagine this is as close as I can reasonably get to sucking straight from the udder… Hat tip to Farmview Market for carrying this elixir.” We are thrilled to see this customer satisfying his late-night sweet tooth with a healthier local dairy option!

For those who experience those nightly chocolate cravings, the creamery is about to start producing a decadent chocolate milk, which should be available within the month.

“Our chocolate milk isn’t just for kids,” says Kelly. “It gets its unique, rich flavor from superior ingredients, such as West African cocoa beans. One of our chocolate milks uses spices from a recipe that dates back hundreds of years.”

The other products currently offered by Rock House Creamery, and found at Farmview Market, are their creamy Fromage Cheese Spread and Clack’s Cheese Curds. The RHC fromage is fresh and easily spreadable to be paired with our many selections of local jams and jellies, or just by itself. This local cheese is so creamy, you’ll be dreaming about it for days.

local dairy

Clack’s Cheese Curds are a bit milder in flavor, and slightly salty— but equally as delicious. Did you know that many cheeses begin their life as curds? Cheddar, for example, starts out as curds before it is formed into blocks or wheels and then aged. Curds have the same firmness as cheese, but consist a slightly rubbery texture at room temperature. You know cheese curds are fresh when they make a squeaky sound as you eat them.

Rock House Creamery is also sampling its Tommes, which can also be purchased at Farmview Market. These Tommes have currently been aging more than 5 months and the flavor is phenomenal.

local dairy

Tommes cheese currently aging at Rock House Creamery

So, if you’re a local dairy lover and sweet creams are the makings of your dreams, plan your next grocery shopping trip to Farmview Market! We have a large assortment of other local offerings that would pair perfectly with your farm fresh dairy products. For more information on upcoming product launches, visit If you'd like to participate in a very special Farmview Schoolhouse field trip in September to visit the local dairy farm and creamery, click here to learn more and register.