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UNIQUELY LOCAL Lunch Options the Whole Family Will Love


Packing a child’s lunch can be a daunting task. As a parent, you understand the importance of providing your children with wholesome meals that fuel their growing bodies and support their active minds. However, coming up with lunchbox ideas that are both nutritious and appealing to kids can be a real challenge. Farmview Market can help choose delicious uniquely local choices to make any lunch box the envy of the table.

Keep it well-rounded and simple by aiming to include at least 3 food groups and a source of protein. Below, you’ll find a week worth of fun, but simple and healthy lunchbox combinations! Try them out with your kiddo.

To make it even easier, we’ve curated a shopping list of healthy, yet yummy lunchbox items to grab during your next visit! Simply download and save (or print), then shop!



  • HOT LITTLE BISCUIT Various Flavors
  • BOAR’S HEAD Turkey
  • Grapes
  • Apples & Strawberries
  • Carrots & Celery
  • ROCK HOUSE FARM Nanny Moon Cheese
  • CREATIVE SNACKS Yogurt Pretzels


  • Fruit Bread w/nut butter
  • FARMVIEW Beef Sticks
  • ROCK HOUSE FARM Nanny Moon Cheese
  • Strawberries & Apples
  • Carrots & Celery
  • CHAD’S Popcorn



  • Farmview Market Pancake Mix
  • HOT LITTLE BISCUITS Various Flavors [Frozen]
  • HILLSIDE ORCHARD Fruit Bread Various Flavors
  • CHAD’S Popcorn Various Flavors
  • Nut Butter


  • BOAR’S HEAD Turkey
  • FARMVIEW Beef Sticks


  • Grapes
  • Apples
  • Strawberries
  • Carrots
  • Celery


  • Greek Yogurt
  • ROCK HOUSE FARM Nanny Moon Cheese

Crafting kid-friendly school lunch ideas doesn’t have to be a contest. Incorporate a variety of colorful fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. This will ensure you are providing all the essential nutrients to support their wellbeing. Get creative and involve your kids in the process!

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