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Try All Natural Laundry Detergent by Cheeky Maiden


There is almost no smell that beats that of fresh, clean laundry. But, lately, it seems that our detergents are loaded with synthetic cleaners and some serious chemicals. When looking for supplier partners, we set out to find an organic option and found Cheeky Maiden, and her all natural laundry detergent. And in the spirit of spring cleaning, we wanted to share her story with you.

Cassie Carter, the Maiden herself, wanted to, “create a pure, nontoxic way for you to get your clothes really, naturally clean.” Her powdered detergents are 100 percent derived from all natural ingredients, right down to their essential oil scents. There are, literally, five ingredients in the product!

So, does the natural stuff really work?

You only need one scoop of all natural laundry detergent to get your laundry naturally clean. It is low sudsing and great for HE machines. You can use it to pre-treat stains by making a thick paste by adding a bit of water and rubbing it into the stain.

The Maiden also suggests adding 1/4 cup of white vinegar instead of fabric softener, for extra-white whites. And, their incredible smell is from essential oils! Farmview Market carries Lavender-Grapefruit and Rosemary-Sweet Orange and we’re not sure which one we love the most.

At Farmview Market we have a passion for helping others, and children are some of our favorite people! The best part of using Cheeky Maiden’s Natural Laundry Detergent is its philanthropy. Simply by doing laundry, you can help orphans through Children’s Hope Chest. A portion of the proceeds of Natural Laundry Detergent is specifically earmarked for the orphans of Swaziland, Africa. Swaziland, with with the highest rate of HIV/AIDS in the world, has been called "The Nation of Orphans."

Swaziland is currently closed to adoption, so rescuing these children out of this environment is not possible. Hope Chest has created a place for orphans to find refuge, a place to be loved and fed and safe. And, all you have to do is wash your clothes.

Needless to say, Farmview Market is extremely excited about Cheeky Maiden’s Natural Laundry Detergent. Not only does it make our laundry smell delicious, it’s an all-natural and safe product for our families. And, proceeds are directed to helping children around the world. Stop by Farmview Market today and try Cheeky Maiden's all natural laundry detergent in both Lavender-Grapefruit and Rosemary-Sweet Orange!